Monday, January 19, 2009

blah blah blah

things ive learned since college:

-professors do not care if you pass their class
-people leave, even if they say they wont
-poptarts make you gain weight. as does nutella
-people show what matters most to them
-you realize who your true friends are
-partying trumps watching a movie. GAY
-procrastination never got anyone anywhere but you do it anyway
-you cant trust hardly anyone but your family
-your mom will always be your shoulder to cry on
-everyone changes
-immaturity does not leave once you enter a university
-you cant count on someone to be there for you, no matter how bad you want them to be
-you look forward to going home to spend time with your family, and wash your clothes
-you find out whats important to you
-if there is a choice between alcohol and friendship, alcohol wins.


Anonymous said...

but nutella.. tastes incredible.

Amylee said...

EEk. I'm willing to bet you had a rotten friend experience. I'll talk to you on facebook about it soon.

All of those things you said are true. It's about figuring out life, isn't it?

cole linnae said...

yeah. and gaining the freshman LARD