my sister introduced me to a site called
i died. i hope you rofl as hard as i did:
Talking to my mom on the phone
What I feel like doing most days
When I make fun New Years Eve plans
When I’m watching a movie & one of the characters dies
If it’s a person:If it’s an animal:
When my doorbell rings and I wasn’t expecting anybody
Sitting down to take an exam
My classmates:Me:
When someone hot walks into the room
Spotting my crush
When I’m sober:When I’m not:
When I run into my ex
In front of him:As soon as he’s out of sight:
When I hear good gossip
How I feel about grades
During the semester:When I see that they’re posted online:
When I get out of work at 6pm and it’s pitch black
When I haven’t heard from my ex and then he texts me out of nowhere
When I park illegally and don’t get a ticket
...i could go on for days, but its 3:30 in the morning.
i have a feeling i will be posting these regularly.
goodnight world.
I don't know why I found that last one so funny. Still kinda laughin.
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