When asked WHY we went to Smith's and what on earth made us purchase copious amounts of unhealthy food.. all me and livvy could do was explain that
"...we were sad!!" So we got jelly beans, cinnamin lips, two packages of cookies, 5- 12 packs of dr. pepper and diet coke, pretzels, snickers, m&m's, and reeses.. Mind you, this was gone within 2 days. College is stressful okay!?!? At least it wasn't nutella, right? :( Pretty soon I'm gonna be on the news and will have to be lifted out of my apartment with a crane. Oh well. At least i'll get my own TLC special on how fat i am. I bet Nadeene is rubbing her chubby little hands together in victory...
Thumbs up to Nadeene for ruining my life and foiling my plans to eat healthier.p.s. thanks for this michelle.
aardvark. i like this :)
Five 12-packs?!? Oh boy. This is bad. The rest is normal, but when you've got that much soda, it's time for an intervention.
I love those fat people specials on TLC! I'll Tivo yours when it comes out!
AHAHAHAHA, I didn't see the nutella in that picture until just now. genius, michelle!
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