Monday, March 1, 2010

oh what a DREAM.

Lat night.. i had quite the hilarious dream. Everything thats been going on in my life lately combined last night into THIS:

First of all, i was at a killer Michael Jackson concert. and me and Michael were BFF. and i hugged him and told him how amazing he was. and i'm quite sure we were jammin to the free willy song. and then about 500 Michael Jackson doppelgangers showed up. And i was immediately jealous i didnt have a plastic skinny nose and stringy black hair.


Then...behind the scenes at the concert, my friend gave birth.
to a litter of 4 puppies.
identical to lady.
cry cry cry.

i congratulated her like it was totally normal to give birth to puppies.

cuz it is, right?


I was being sneakily chased by indians, but NO ONE believed me. They were after me to kill me, and everyone just LAUGHED when i told them!
It. was. Terrifying.

No more itunes, puppies, or USU culture nights for me.


Dave Lucy & Marley Gurney said...

HAHAHA you always make me laugh :) I appreciate that!!!

Tami said...

I hate those dreams where no one will believe that your life is in mortal danger!!

In other news, I'm sad about Lady, too.

brittyd said...

HAHA! :) I sometimes wish I was like Michael Jackson in real life. I mean like talented like him...